Drug Discovery in Infectious Disease

A joint symposium of the Grenoble Drug Discovery & Host-Pathogen Interaction Clubs This full-day meeting will meeting will take place in the ESRF auditorium on the EPN Campus Confirmed speakers include: Philippe Bulet (BioPark Archamps)Nathalie Bosquet (IDMIT Fontenay-aux-Roses) Gerald Larrouy-Maumus (Imperial College London) Vincent Libis (Inserm / Université Paris Cité) The detailed programme will follow at a […]

EMBO Practical Course – Structure, dynamics and function of biological macromolecules by NMR

NMR spectroscopy is an essential technique that allows to study the structure, dynamics and interactions of macromolecules at atomic resolution. It is unique in extracting dynamic information over a large range of time scales and, therefore, in revealing the molecular mechanisms that control biological function. Recent developments in the NMR field include the study of […]

Grenoble CryoEM Club 2nd meeting

Following the success of the first meeting, the Grenoble CryoEM Club is delighted to announce the second gathering of the club on Tuesday 2 July in the ERSF auditorium. This meeting will feature a keynote lecture by Dr. Michael Grange from the Rosalind Franklin Institute, Didcot, UK. We will also select three short talks from […]

EMBO Practical Course – Time-resolved macromolecular serial crystallography

Course overview The advent of serial crystallography at free electron laser sources and the following adaptation of these methods at 3rd and 4th generation synchrotrons have opened new possibilities to perform room temperature time resolved studies in macromolecular crystallography. This course aims to train the next generation of researchers in i) sample preparation: Participants will […]

Host-Pathogen Metabolic Interactions & Malarial Drug Resistance

This two-day meeting is jointly organized with the IAB, the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) and the International Centre For Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). The meeting is focused on parasitology with a special emphasis on host-pathogen metabolic interactions and malarial drug resistance.  It will feature invited speakers from India and […]

EMBO Practical Course – Structural characterisation of macromolecular complexes

Course overview Recent developments in cryo-EM/ET, super-resolution microscopy, and protein structure prediction — coupled with increasingly sophisticated methods of sample preparation — have revolutionised structural biology. Educating the next generation of researchers on how to strategically combine these disparate tools is critical for addressing the most challenging structural biology problems of the future. Course participants […]

Grenoble cryoEM club kick-off meeting

This club is all about bringing together CryoEM enthusiasts from the Grenoble area and beyond. Supported by IBS, EMBL, ESRF, PSB and FRISBI, this initiative is set to be a platform for discussions and knowledge exchange focused on technical aspects of electron microscopy and their implications for structural biology. This kick-off meeting will feature a […]

PSB Spotlight on “Neutrons in Biology”

This PSB Spotlight will comprise of half a day of lectures (in the IBS seminar room) on the different neutron techniques available at the Institut Laue-Langevin which are useful for biology. Lectures will cover small-angle scattering (SANS), reflectometry, crystallography, inelastic scattering, and deuteration. A special focus will be on the complementary information that neutrons provide […]