The Partnership for Structural Biology
A Great Environment for Great Science
The Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) in Grenoble is a collaborative research initiative established by a Memorandum of Understanding in 2002. The PSB brings together several major European research institutes to advance the field of structural biology: the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS), and the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), all located on the European Photon and Neutron (EPN) campus.
Upcoming Events
16-20 September 2024
EMBO practical course – Small Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering from biomacromolecules in solution
19 November 2024
Drug Discovery in Infectious Disease
12 September - 5 december 2024
2024 Lecture Series – Recent Advances in Structural Biology of the Pathogens
Scientific Highlights
Targeting DNA repair pathway in cancers – through the lens of melanoma antigens
Our genetic material is highly susceptible to mutations, either spontaneously or triggered by external stimuli such as UV and chemical
How does the body prevent multiple sperm from fertilizing an egg?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) around 15% of couples worldwide face infertility, with some cases linked to mutations
How is the production of reactive oxygen species activated in NADPH oxidase membrane enzymes? Lessons from the structure of a bacterial homologue
Lessons from the structure of a bacterial homologue During bacterial infections, neutrophils play a crucial role in defending the body
Tryptophan synthase crystals grown on the International Space Station facilitate novel neutron crystal structure
Single-crystal neutron diffraction is a powerful technique in structural biology that can accurately visualize the hydrogen atom positions in biomacromolecules.
Perturbing the active site of splicing machines as a new strategy for splicing inhibition
Splicing is a cellular process involving nearly all of our genes, and consisting in the removal of RNA sequences (introns)
News from the M4D platform
We are glad to announce 2 major pieces of equipment have been integrated at the M4D platform. Since February this
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#News Jean Daillant, nouveau DG de @esrfsynchrotron
Au moment où l'ESRF fête 30 ans de science, le Synchrotron Européen de Grenoble accueille un nouveau directeur général.
Our new high-pressure freezing instrument EM-ICE was successfully delivered today! Excited to get it up and running. Big thank you to the AURA region, FEDER funds and Grenoble Alpes University. @IBS_Grenoble @l_rhone84752 @UGrenobleAlpes @LabexGRAL @UEFrance @PSB_Grenoble
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